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Make every effort to govern and set sail 2014-2015 Liyang company annual meeting

Column:Company News Time:2015-02-02

Thousands of horses are running for joy, and the three sheep are opening to Thailand. On the morning of January 29, 2015, Qingdao Liyang Rubber Technology Co., Ltd. 2014-2015 annual meeting was grandly held for 3 days. Company leaders and all employees gathered together to participate in the grand event. The annual meeting is divided into two parts.

The first part: work summary meeting.

A work summary meeting was held in Qingdao headquarters on January 29, 2015. At the meeting, each employee made a summary report on their work in 2014. The report was divided into three parts: "2014 work summary, shortcomings and improvement measures, and 2015 work plan". After the report, everyone communicated and communicated with each other. In 2015, a comprehensive plan was made for development. Finally, the general manager of the company (Li Wei) gave a speech, guiding everyone to review the company’s ups and downs from establishment to development in the past year, looking forward to the future and sending good wishes, and designated 2015 as the "Training and Learning Year of Liyang" ".

The second part: entertainment and carnival.

On January 30, 2015, all employees went to the "Hong Kong China Travel Service (Qingdao) Haiquan Bay Resort".


After arriving, they first went to the "Tianchuang Grand Theater" to watch the performance.


After watching the performance, a carnival dinner was held, pushing the annual meeting to a climax.

On the morning of January 31, 2015, head to the "Ocean Hot Spring" as a group to relax. .


Return to Qingdao after lunch.

Through this annual meeting, employees have expressed that they will continue to work hard, continue to learn, and work hard with the company philosophy of "forge ahead and be vigorous and resolute", and contribute their own strength to the development of the company.

The entire annual meeting ended successfully in a harmonious and joyful atmosphere.

A new starting point, a new set sail, in 2015, Liyang people will make persistent efforts and create new brilliance!