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Warmly congratulations to our company for obtaining another national patent authorization

Column:Company News Time:2018-01-16

   Recently, another invention patent was granted by the state intellectual property office. The patent name is "a motorcycle racing tread rubber material", patent number: ZL 2016 1 0223814.0.

This patent is an effective practice for the company to advocate technological innovation and technical innovation. Motorcycle racing tread rubber, as a special tread, racing in ensuring maximum traction performance and handling performance, at the same time, is a good way to solve this kind of defect of poor tread wear resistance, to achieve the best balance of performance, has the very high practical value.

So far, the company has 25 effective patents. In recent years, the company has focused on increasing the investment in scientific research, actively carrying out technical innovation work, and introducing a patent incentive system to motivate technical personnel to declare technical achievements.

Through many years of efforts, the company has a certain amount of patent storage, these patent achievements have opened up the market for the company, improved the core competitiveness of the company, and provided strong technical support.