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Liyang company explores cooperation with well-known national testing institutions

Column:Company News Time:2019-09-03
On the morning of September 3, 2019, Li Wei, general manager of Qingdao Liyang Rubber Technology Co., Ltd.

On the morning of September 3, 2019, Li Wei, general manager of Qingdao Liyang Rubber Technology Co., Ltd., and a group of four people visited and inspected the National Tire and Rubber Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of Qingdao Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute. Minister He Ning and other leaders received a warm reception, and the two parties exchanged views on further in-depth cooperation and business expansion.1C41EA395A7F3179A0286F0AE3590775.pngTSNX%OOSJA7I_(@B_2Y_C{P.jpg